Esta receta va dirigida a mi amigo Pelu Zapata que disfrutan con el potente sabor de la mostaza (y de mas cosas de la vida). La mostaza no sólo va bien con las hamburguesas. Se adapta bien en salsas de carnes, pescados y mariscos.
- 6 o 8 Muslos de pollo
- 1 cebolla
- 2 cucharadas de mostaza americana
- 150 gr piñones
- 1 vaso de nata líquida
- aceite, pimienta, sal.
- 1 hoja de laurel.
- caldo de pollo
Salpimentamos los muslos de pollo y los untamos con aceite. Los ponemos en el horno junto con el laurel hasta que estén bien dorados regando de vez en cuando con el caldo. Una vez hechos, sacamos el jugo del pollo y lo reservamos. Mientras se hace el pollo, sofreímos la cebolla en una sartén. Añadimos el jugo del pollo, la mostaza y la nata. Reducimos y finalmente batimos y colamos. Servimos el pollo caliente con la salsa.
Difrutar Camino_ole!!
Nota:si venis por España; concretamente a Badajoz capital os recomiendo el Zithum bar (
This recipe is intended for my friend Pelu Zapata who enjoy the strong flavor of themustard (and most things in life). Mustard not only goes well with burgers. Fits well in sauces for meats, fish and seafood.
6 or 8 chicken thighs
1 onion
American mustard 2 tablespoons
150 g pine nuts
1 cup cream
oil, pepper, salt.
1 bay leaf.
chicken soup
Season the chicken thighs and smeared with oil. We put in the oven along with the bay leaves until well browned watering occasionally with the broth. Once made, we take the juice of the chicken and reserve. While the chicken is done, fry the onion in a skillet. Add the chicken juice, mustard and cream. Reduce and finally beat themand we strain. Serve hot chicken with sauce.
Enjoying Camino_ole!
Note: If you come to Spain, specifically capital Badajoz Zithum I recommend the bar (
6 or 8 chicken thighs
1 onion
American mustard 2 tablespoons
150 g pine nuts
1 cup cream
oil, pepper, salt.
1 bay leaf.
chicken soup
Season the chicken thighs and smeared with oil. We put in the oven along with the bay leaves until well browned watering occasionally with the broth. Once made, we take the juice of the chicken and reserve. While the chicken is done, fry the onion in a skillet. Add the chicken juice, mustard and cream. Reduce and finally beat themand we strain. Serve hot chicken with sauce.
Enjoying Camino_ole!
Note: If you come to Spain, specifically capital Badajoz Zithum I recommend the bar (